Friday, March 27, 2009

Birthday One

Boston has turned one today. She got some new toys and a new bed to curl up in that she's already tried to eat.. I TRIED desperately to convince Ants that we should suprise Boston and get her a puppy dog for her birthday, but he didn't fall for it.. and quite frankly, if she treated the puppy like she did the soft toy ducky i got her, the day may not have ended well.

We had the most massivest, biggest, gigantanist Spider in our house yesterday. Well okay it wasn't IN the house, but it was in my watering can outside. Consequently my veggie/herb potted patch thingy did not get watered yesterday. The spider has since been euthanised and gotten-rid-of. So, thats a wierd looking beetle/cockroach/crickety thing in our bedroom, a mouse, and now a massive spider..this should be on the "move to Ellenbrook" plans, we've only been here 5 weeks or so. We shall have to teach Boston how to hunt and kill..but not play and eat :)

Was lovely to sit down on our new dining table tonight and have dinner together, talking about future plans etc, finally our house became a home and i foresaw myself living here in our happy little family for a long long time..... happiness and smiles :)

Ciao for now

1 comment:


    So, turns out Boston *did* get a baby brother for her birthday. =P

