Saturday, June 13, 2009

WHO invented 5 day working weeks? Is it just me or have people not yet cottoned on that it's a rediculous concept? I don't honestly understand how one is supposed to lead a successful and fullfilling life when there's no time for the most important aspects of life - family and friends. I am one of those people who do not live for their career.. to me, work is just a means to get by, to survive, but even so, i am only left with a few hours in the week to actually sit down with my family and/or friends and have a life. Anyway - i'm sure its not just me, but it just seems like recently especially there has been a lot of emphasis being put on making sure you appreciate your family and friends, live in the moment, spoil yourself blah blah blah..but when and how are we supposed to be doing all of this when we're always at work?
Something for me to ponder i suppose..anyway, it's midnight. Lights out - 2 hours ago

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. Life would be better if we were able to drop even just a day from out working week. Having that extra day to get this done leaving the 2 days to be with family and friends. Not to mention having another day to shop for us West Australians, but that's another rant...
